I have downloaded the application and installed it on my computer with Windows 8.1 x64. I have installed it with Administrator access and then created something in the application. Used File > Save and then File > Open and it worked normally without errors.
I am designing an RPG and am wondering if I can use images & maps I create using AutoREALM in my RPG books.
Also, I am looking to run using Roll20 .. can I make & sell floorplans and dungeon maps I make using AutoRealm on Roll20?
Der Zwerg on Facebook (line drawing of watermill at cliff as icon)
I have downloaded the application and installed it on my computer with Windows 8.1 x64. I have installed it with Administrator access and then created something in the application. Used File > Save and then File > Open and it worked normally without errors.
Download the latest version through the following link: http://sourceforge.net/projects/autorealm/?source=typ_redirect